Sunday, September 23, 2012

My Lord,

Today was and still is a GLORIOUS sunny day.  YOUR presence is everywhere, as it always is.

This morning I was baptized by Pastor Wagner and it was amazing.  Father, knowing that you've forgiven me for my transgressions and iniquities...


deep breath...


Yes, it's true!

You are a Father of love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, patience and understanding.  My Lord, I could so go on, but anyone who knows you, already knows this.  And Father, anyone who doesn't know you, please use me and others believers to spread your LOVE and your Gospel as you have instructed us to do in Matthew 28:19

Today's amazing spirit filled words from the Pastor: Faith is always present tense.  It is conviction put into practice.  Without action, it is only a theory and not real.

* Evaluate your calling:  Are you busy in your own ministry while ignoring God's ministry?

Father, please keep me aware of what it is that you would have me do and not let me get so distracted in what it is that I want to do.  Time, resources, stress and challenges are all contributing factors, but with the Spirit of wisdom and discernment, I pray that I am listening.  In Jesus' precious name.  This is my prayer.

Eternally yours