Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My Lord,

Oh, how I love your law, your continued presence in my life and your unending love for me.

Yesterday, while I was doing my bible study, as usual...I cried.  There are times when I have to go to the library and study in the quiet room.  When I'm in my little sacred space, I hear and feel you so deeply, I often stop and reflect, meditate and look out to sea at where you have me compared to where I used to be.

Someone recently tried to tell me that there was no Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  What in the world?  I immediately discounted his words and gently found a way to ease him out of my life.  I know what is real and what is true.  What else would keep me from doing the "things" I used to do and what else would keep me from being the "person" I used to be?

I am a single woman who has the male flesh continually trying to "persuade" me to come out and play...or even so, to stay in and play.  I have "chosen" as a result, of reading your word, praying and listening for your will, and consciously making a covenant of the heart, body, mind and spirit to save myself for marriage. 

I have a multitude of divorced and single women friends who find this hard to believe and even harder to mimic.  I have had "relationships" since my youth and I am not going to say that about this time last year, I was not only lonely but very much longing and tempted.  BUT I refrain myself with the help of the Spirit and continually referring to your word:

Psalm 119:10-11  I seek you with all my heart; do not let me stray from your commands.  I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.  Praise be to you, O Lord; teach me your decrees.

v. 14-15  I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches.  I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways.  I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.

Lord, I tried doing "this life" on my own.  In my own will and in my own strength.  I tried doing things according to the flesh and the world's view.  It did NOT work.  There were many happy "moments," many accomplishments and seasons full of abundant living; if you will...however, there was No INTERNAL Joy, No Peace UNIMAGINABLE and No HOLY Spirit to counteract Satan's hold on me.

No one walking this earth can tell me that YOU are not real.  No one can tell me that your SON did not die on the cross for my sins and rise again on the third day and NO ONE can tell me that Your gift (as you promised long ago, by sending a comforter to those who believe...) NO one can tell me that the Holy Spirit does not dwell within my soul.

Eternally yours