Tuesday, September 18, 2012

My Lord,

Thank you for hearing my prayer request and Father, I pray that healing will take place in the lives of those that I've prayed for and also in this NATION.  In your Son's precious name. Amen.

Lord, last night I was reading my new book, Mended by Angie Smith.  When I went to the bookstore last week to just sit in the kid's section and be with you...you led me to this particular book.  Already, it's touched my life and brought about some tears and revelations.  I'm sharing it as I go along with anyone that will hear me.

Here are some excerpts that spoke to my spirit: 

*Note, although she wrote this book as a result of her baby girl going to heaven and I did not suffer anything close to that experience, I still find many pieces of her life that resonated with mine.  I hope and pray that others will too.

*"I found out the hard way that this life let me down (several times).  I tried to read the Bible, but it just seemed huge and totally foreign to me.  I felt like it had nothing to do with my life.  I decided to read it the whole way through before I made up my mind, but I only got a few chapters into Genesis and decided it was less fun than trigonometry."

*"Consider a time when you were not walking with Him the way you would like to have been.  What were the circumstances?  How can you protect yourself from walking there again?"

*"We must feel the burden of the cross at different points in our life.  In the power of Christ, we will look back solemnly at ourselves and say, "I am choosing to bear the crown because I cannot live without the love."

*"He sings songs over you and quiets you with His love (Zeph. 3:17).  If you are brave enough to listen, you might hear the sound of your own name echoing back from the great I AM."

*"We praise Your name, Lord.  For you are who You say You are.  And that is enough."

Father, these are just a few words written by Angie and I'm only on page 29.  Thank you for the blessing of putting this book into my hands.  You so want the best for me and that makes my heart smile widely!

Eternally yours