Monday, September 17, 2012

My Lord,

Last night I was doing my bible, you, the sound of the waves collapsing against the shore.  I could hear slight voices on the beach, some laughter and mild traffic...and then, all of a sudden; I heard myself cry.  I burst into tears.  We are currently studying with Beth Moore and the Book of James.  The study guide is titled, "James, Mercy Triumphs."

I am using my green Women's NIV and as I search for scriptures...I am gently reminded of how you sought me out.  I am reminded of who I was, used to now and have yet to become.  It became overwhelming for me to grasp in "that moment" and I burst into tears.  I had to stop studying and play a song from my iPhone.  It was titled, "Deliverance is Available" By Vicki Yohe.

I played it for about 10 minutes or so and then had some dinner.  Yummy for me and grateful to you.  As I sat at the table thinking about what just happened, I was just staring out to sea at you and those amazing clouds of yours.  WOW!

So of course, I had to take a few photos.  And then...I was back at the bible and into my studies.  Not soon after, I was crying again.  Lord, you know you created me with such compassion and such a humble spirit.  It brings me to a meeting I had over the summer with a young lady who expressed to me that crying is very difficult for her and that her tears do not come easy.  I thought to myself, wow, I could surely share some of mine with her. I get them an excess.

I was crying because of a devotional in regards to the Book of Acts and it was saying how you sent an Angel to Cornelius, (who truly had a heart for God but did not know Jesus) and as a result of that, he met with Peter who in turn told him about YOU!  Lord, that was my story too.  You knew that I knew of you but I did not know about your son, the Savior.  I was never going to fill that void, that whole and that longing in my heart until I first acknowledge Jesus as Lord...the only one who can grant me access to YOU!

Father God, you sent me an Angel in 2008...and as I just typed that, Lord you've sent me many Angels prior to my Salvation, I was just so caught up in my flesh and in the world, that I paid them no mind.  Father, how grateful I am to you that you did not give up and me and that you were PATIENT with me.  That is why I love mornings.  YOU waited 42 years for me to come to you with my WHOLE heart and each day that I wake up to receive your grace, it reminds me that you have something AWESOME planned for my life.  MY Lord, wholeheartedly receive it in advance.

Eternally yours