Sunday, September 16, 2012

My Lord,

Thank you for yesterday.  I love when the girls and I get to sit and talk about you.  It can go on for hours and hours at a time.  I mostly do that with Angie and Jackie, but I love when I get to do it with T and the gran-girls.

T said something so profound yesterday, but it wasn't the first time she'd mentioned it.  As I was driving home, I was listening to Heather Headley really loud so I had missed her call.  Upon realizing it, I called her back.  She explained that she didn't want anything in particular...she just wanted to convey that each time that I leave her presence, she reaches for her bible.  After I left her, she went to reading the book of James. She said, "The devil is a liar and he's trying to keep me away from you."  It took everything in me to hold it together while driving.  

MY daughter says that whenever I leave her home, she is drawn to the bible.  WOW!  Father those are praises for you...for the work you're doing in me and through me.  Not only that, the gran-girls are always so eager to share things with me that they've written.  And yesterday, Jazmine gave me a balloon and she had written the following:

"To my grandmother.  You are Holy and I love you.  A balloon of Faith, Hope and Butterflies."  I must have squeezed all the love out of her. Lol

Father, you have transformed my life in ways unimaginable.  It is simply out of my hands.  At times I try to tone it down, so to speak, because there are moments when I feel my energy spills over and some who remain "of the world" aren't as eager to hear about you.  But Lord,  I tell you.....I cannot contain it.  It is no longer my've taken it from me and you're having your way with me and your say through me.  My Lord, I welcome it more than I can say.

1 Corinthians 7:34...and  An unmarried woman or virgin is concerned about the Lord's affairs:  Her aim is to be devoted to the Lord in both body and spirit.  But a married woman is concerned about the affairs of this - world - how she can please her husband.

Lord, this is my prayer until you bring my Prince to me.  To live in such a way that my love, devotion and energy is for you.  Not to say that it will change or shift when I marry, but that while I'm serving you, my dedication will flow naturally toward him as a result of my obedience and submission to you.

Father may all these things GLORIFY you and may my spirit and light continue to Honor and Praise you!

Eternally yours