Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Lord,

I love you ;-)

You know that I'm falling in love with you more and more each day.  You are way too good to me.  But then again, you word says that you will greatly reward those who submit and obey you.  I'm trying Father.  Just please stay near to me.

I also want to say a special thank you for yesterday.  YOU showed up in a surprisingly beautiful way.  I was hosting my first bible study and the group couldn't find the entry into the building.  As I went out to meet them in the, you were in the midst of painting this...

Just before the class began and even after it was over, some were completely amazed at your LOVE-gift to me.  I told them my journey and my testimony on how YOU delivered me from myself.  And as a result of my TRUSTING you...I got the most amazing view I never thought possible.  How great Art Thou?

Eternally yours