Thursday, September 13, 2012

MY Lord,

How grateful I am that I can call you that...that you and I have a very special relationship and that you are with me wherever I go.  But best of all...that you offered me forgiveness for my sins. 

Deep breath.....

ponder that..................



Last night was the last class from our Summer Bible Study.  We closed it out with "forgiveness."  How to receive it and how to give it...and most importantly releasing it to you...bringing it to the Throne of your grace and leaving it there!

And the ultimate thing...even forgiving, before the offender has a chance to ask.  I know that sounds strange to most...people rarely ask for forgiveness.  Our Lord did it while hanging on the cross and we oftentimes forget that.  Help us to remember the significance of your LIFE and DEATH and how it was ALL an act of LOVE...your love for us and your willingness to SAVE us from ourselves.

We were instructed to write out the "thing" that needs forgiving as if it were an invoice:
Name:  Person(s) that hurt you...
Service:  Act that was committed against you.
Price:  The cost to your health, mental state and or season of being stuck "there."  The build up of anger and resentment and how it spilled over and spills over into the lives of others.  YES, it does!

I THANK YOU Father that I did not have to write an "invoice."  I have forgiven my past.  I have forgiven myself and those that I "felt" hurt or wronged me.  My heart is in a "healthy place" as Ray put it last night.

There is no one in my life that I am harboring any ill feelings toward.  And if by chance there was any residue left surely dissolved when I studied with Ms. Diana and our Ladie's Bible Study last Winter.  We read from a book titled:  A Woman of Beauty and it was all about 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John.  Love, Love, Love.

Wow...deep breath

I love you and all that you're doing in my life.  I tell you, each time that I feel your grace, your warmth and your love...I hear a whisper from you saying, "My dear sweet child, you ain't seen nothing yet."  With those words, I smile as wide as a child with great expectations.

Eternally yours