Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Lord,

This is my prayer...

Heavenly Father,
Please help me to be kind and patience with others.  Help me to speak with meekness and love.  You know my zeal and fervor for you and it's just that you've transformed my life in such a huge way that I want everyone else to feel this way.  So funny how I type things and then something is revealed immediately afterward.
I remember being so "in love" with my past love(s) and wishing that everyone could feel what I felt in those moments.  It was so incredible (so I thought) but it was surely a false high.  This however, with you, is very AUTHENTIC!  You are very real.

I'm not afraid anymore.  I was such a scary individual.  Similar to my mom.  Lol -  My life was so boring, so safe and so quiet.  No joy, no risk and certainly no peace and contentment.  On the other hand, I guess there was contentment.  I was content not to change one single thing.

Today I am fearless.

I'm no longer afraid of the Thunderstorm
I'm not afraid to travel to another country
I'm not afraid to walk in the dark places
I'm not afraid of getting my "feelings" hurt
I'm not afraid of other people's opinion of me
I'm not afraid I'll fail as a mother
I'm not afraid of voicing my opinion and concerns
I'm not afraid of living on my own
I'm not afraid of having my needs unmet
I'm not afraid that I won't have a rainy day fund
I'm not afraid to fall in love again with the possibility of getting hurt
and I am not afraid of dying.
You my Lord, removed all my fears!

Mark 6:50 "...Immediately he spoke to them and said, "Take COURAGE!  It is I."

Psalm 68:28 Summon your power, O God; show us your strength, O God as you have done before.

Psalm 118:6 The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.  What can man to to me?

Father, knowing that you are there comforts me immensely. 

Eternally yours