Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Lord,

Thank you for a gorgeous and sunny day.  Most of all, I'd like to thank you for my dad's 70th Birthday.  We just had cheesecake and coffee and now we are relaxing in our father-daughter recliners.  I just love being here.  Aside from your unconditional love, my dad and my son just love me to pieces.  Lucky, lucky me!!!!

Today when I left the house, I checked all the things you check before leaving town, hoping that I didn't forget anything and as I walked out the door, the waves were collasping against the shore and the sun was shining ever so brightly.

I love that image and love, love, love that I can return to it with your grace and faithfulness.  My travels are taking me in many different directions this year and I am super excited and super GRATEFUL.

My Lord, I still get goosebumps knowing that I am going to Haiti in November.  I remember telling my friends and family that you were going to send me on a Mission's Trip.  I just didn't know when or where and I certainly had no idea whatsoever that it would be with my son's stepmom.  How funny is life?  I love my son's father's wife and I am so blessed that we share your love and passion to save souls.

Speaking of saving souls, my Lord, there are some unspoken prayers that I'd like to send up and you know the names.  There are also some health prayers that I'd like to petition for as well.  There are so many needs Father and you know them all.  I am longing to give love, time and talents whenever I can and I pray that you continue to sustain my health and bless me with wisdom and compassion to be of service.

For now, I'm going to wrap myself in a handmade quilt and my dad's love.  He so spoils me beyond words and I love every single moment of it.  Here, in his presence, I am surely a 47 year old daddy's girl.  You my Lord gave me that gift in 2003 when we were reunited for the first time since I was a baby.  And that is truly what forgiveness is all about.  There was instant love and no regrets about the past.  Many, many tears, but no regrets.

Our friendship, bond and love is unbreakable.  He is someone I trust completely and someone who has helped me to discover my authentic self and to begin to see that I am lovable.  But you Father, you put the icing on the cake.  YOU have shown me grace, mercy, love, patience, acceptance, favor and blessings beyond any hope or dream that I held.  And the great thing about it was that I didn't have to do one single thing to impress you.  I can just simply be myself. 

Romans 6:14 "For sin shall not have dominion over you: for ye are not under the law, but under GRACE."

deep breath...

Thank you.

Eternally yours