Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Lord,

How are you today?  You were really busy yesterday. Lol
The waves and wind were really heavy last night.  I adored every single moment.  Before falling off to sleep...wow.  The sound of the waves are like a sleeping pill for me.  One moment I'm reading and before I know it, it's the middle of the night.  I've never slept like that before.  I know that it is all peace and all YOU! 

While I was walking along the beach yesterday I was reminded of something I read in your word.
Job 8:9 "...for we were born only yesterday and know nothing, and our days on earth are but a shadow."

There are park benches along the boardwalk and pier, each dedicated to a loved one who has passed on.  I can't help but wonder about their lives and how many of those souls are with you.  Each time that I walk past one, I read the loving message left by friends and family. 

It makes me also wonder if anyone else thinks of you and heaven when they are walking past those "memorials."  Wondering if anyone has changed his/her life as a result of a family or friend passing on and not sure if they went to heaven or hell.  I know that in my sin and in my past, I never gave it much thought.  Now that I'm saved and I'm 100% certain that my name is in the book of life, I want everyone I know to join me there and even those that I've yet to meet.

Your word is true, "we know nothing."  Oftentimes I journal and think about my life and the events that occur on a day to day basis and feel so confident and then there are many moments that I feel uncertain about "stuff" and have to be reminded of who I am and who you are.  WOW!  Such a relief and comfort for me that I am not alone and that you will love and care for me the rest of my days.  Who can promise such a thing?

Eternally yours