Monday, June 11, 2012

My Lord,

Happy Monday.  Another beautiful day that you have blessed us with.  How grateful am I that your mercies are new every morning.  (Lametations 3:23)

It is my prayer that we will, at dawn's early light, stop, praise and honor your name.  That we will be fully aware that we can do nothing and are nothing without you.  It can be very deceiving to the non-believers that they are operating in their own will...their own flesh, but I can surely testify that it is indeed a false perception and that they will eventually fail and fall.

I wanted to thank you specifically for 2 Timothy 1:3-11.  I remember when I had a public speaking assignment and absolutely did not want to do it.  You led me to this scripture...vs 6 "For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline."  The power that I have by your grace was placed in me before my parents met and conceived me...vs 9..."This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time..."

It holds a special meaning for me because last year for my birthday, my granddaughter memorized it and recited it to me.  It made me cry.  My Lord, I thank you that my children and my children's children know you and love you.  They don't know of you, they know you.  We are collectively seeking a deeper relationship with you and I am certain, overtime that we will bear much fruit for your Kingdom. 

Father, I love you and I am wide open to your will for my life.

Eternally yours