Sunday, June 10, 2012

My Lord,

Happy Sunday.  It is sunny and gorgeous.  I love this time of the year.  I love the sun on me and there are butterflies for days.  Everywhere I look, there they are.  However, Alex and I just came back from NYC and I only saw one.  As much as I love Manhattan-the sights, the lights, the shops, the excitement and the amazing colors...I love being home.  Just riding to Church this morning and having the wind in my face, the beautiful green trees and the bird's song.  Wow.  I went a little early so that I could sit in the parking lot and be still for a while.  New York is so, so busy and so, so crowded.  The only time I felt alone and still was in the shower. Lol

Alex and I on the subway!

We had a wonderful time and Father I thank you for that.  Although I didn't have my journal with me, I was documenting memories on my iPhone.  It occurred to me that you have allowed me to travel to so many places and I didn't thank you back then.  Not like I do today.  With your grace and travel mercies, I've been to some really neat places.  And with your faithfulness, I'm not finished yet.  I've even added some more destinations to my "life list."  My dad said that I was too young to have a bucket list, so I call it my life list.  And my Lord, you have given me dream after dream and my heart bleeds with gratitude.

It is so very true...Matthew 6:33 " first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

That particular passage may speak about our daily needs and not being consumed with tomorrow's, but I take it to mean "my life" over all.  Every since I've accepted you as my Lord and Savior...every since I've submitted my deepest desires to you and all of my earthly concerns, my life has truly transformed into the this carefree butterfly fluttering across the sea.  I'm embracing, discovering and exploring-all without one ounce of fear.  So not who I used to be.  Fear was certainly my best friend back in the day and trying something new was completely unheard of. 

Lord, I love you and I thank you for the awesome weekend that I had with my son.  We continue to make memories and learn more about one another as time goes on.  I am especially humble that he and my daughter both asked me a question this weekend about life and I was able to refer to scripture without having to look it up.  I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you and they-my children, are going to have memories of "us" sharing God's word and how "IT" completely transformed our lives. 

I once felt guilty that I may not be able to leave them much as far as material possessions.  Specifically, my home and a BIG savings account.  But today, Father, I am so grateful that we have your love in common and they know that no matter what happens in this life, my love and YOUR LOVE is all that they need.  But not only that...we will all meet again in your Kingdom.

deep breath...

Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cartwheels. Lol

Eternally yours