Wednesday, June 6, 2012

My Lord,

Good morning to you and thank you for another day of grace.  I've certainly done nothing to behold it, but you Father, love me in spite of myself.  In spite of my thoughts, behavior and the condition of my heart.  In this flesh we shall all fall short in keeping your commandments.  That is exactly why I long to be in your presence.  I long to hear from you and to please you.  I have not always been this committed and there are often moments when I look back...something I know that we should not do, but however, in the flesh...I do look back and think about my life without you.  It was not pretty and it still causes a tear every now and again when I think of your love and constant forgiveness of me.  Specifically when I worshipped false idols.

deep breath...

Exodus 20:12 "Honor your father and you mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you."

My Lord, you know that my life and my relationship with my mom certainly had its moments.  There were some days where I just didn't know what to do and called myself surrendering and living "my" life without her.  God, I cannot thank you enough for showing me the truth.  She was there for me when I was in such deep despair and she is here for me now.  I am so grateful to you that in my stubborn, selfish flesh I did not miss the opportunity to make amends and to rebuild something so beautiful. 

Last night we watched the NBA Playoffs and she cooked me a home cooked meal.  Yummy.  We always talk about sports, love, life and ex-boyfriends.  Lol.

I often laugh out loud because she certainly speaks her mind.  Something I didn't have the courage to do until a couple of years ago.  But what I love most is that not only are we passionate writers, we are compassionate to one another and to those around us...strangers included.  For that, I thank you and pray that our love for your children will be a domino effect where it just goes on and on.

May all things glorify you in every area of my life...big and small.

Eternally yours