Thursday, June 14, 2012

My Lord,

It's really dark out and I know that you are there.  I haven't seen the stars in a couple of nights.  Here in Ohio, my dad's view is blocked by the tall trees and apartment buildings.  But I don't need a clear view to know that you are there as well as the beautiful individually named stars.  I love how you named me special just as you did them.

While growing up, I never liked the name Denise, but now, knowing who I am in you and how you called me long before time began...I truly embrace my name.  I wouldn't change it or one single thing about myself.

I stand corrected.  My dad just went out on his balcony and there are a few stars in the sky.  God you are something.  As I'm typing this you called us to go look at what you can do and only you My Lord can do such a magnificent thing.

You make the clouds rain, the sun rise, the rainbow appear and the tears dry up.  You bind up our wounds and bring joy unimaginable. We truly have no idea what's in store for our lives.  We can only hope, dream and imagine.  Personally, I embrace each day expecting great things, big and small. I am open and grateful to receiving something so small as a great cup of coffee from something so big as my Prince Charming (when the time is right). Lol

I even embrace the work days, the rainy days, the days filled with rush hour traffic and unexpected mishaps.  Knowing that you are there with me at every turn and every step truly comforts me and my soul is at complete rest as your peace hugs me.

Thank you for an amazing day with my dad.  I had a blast, swimming, walking, exercising, listening to music, eating great food, lots of laughter, cool breezes, having the sun on me, discovering poetry and the grand finale...watching the Miami Heat play in the playoffs with Lebron's old High School being just down the street.

Ahhh... the simple pleasures

Eternally grateful and eternally yours