Saturday, June 2, 2012

My Lord,

Happy Saturday!  As I type that, I just had mixed emotions.  It seems that I'm happy all the time and I know that everyone is not happy.  Not saying they're aren't days when I haven't felt blah...but those moments don't last long at all.  Overall, I am truly happy and so at peace inside that I want everyone to experience what I feel. 

I know that it can be tough.  FEELINGS are such a range of emotions and I have been one of those lost souls that didn't know that there was relief for such feelings as fear, depression and emptiness.  Just to name a few.  And that where your PSALMS come in...they cover every possible feeling and emotion that we have and will experience.  My prayer is that you keep me humble and available to help and share where I can.

This weekend two things were said that bothered me, but only because I know you and what you're capable of.  My sister and I were talking about depression and a life of despair.  I was speaking about living your best life and not allowing the things of the world to get the best of you; especially in my line of work. She said, "Sometimes, there's nothing we can do."  That sentence gave me chills because there is something we can do.  WE CAN CALL ON YOU!

I know that it is so much easier said than done, but like I said my Lord, "I know you."  In the past, I remember there was a girl putting up scriptures and similar spiritual notes on the walls and doors of our locker room and I didn't understand any of it.  I didn't know anything about the gospel and what YOU did for ME!  While in my mess, I guess I wasn't much interested.  But once I heard it in such a way that I could relate to, I wanted more.  I wanted more of you and a deeper understanding and relationship with you.

It worked.  YOU are who you say you are and you can do what you say you can do.
Psalm 34:4 "I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears."

Psalm 34:18-19 "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crused in spirit.  A righteous man may have many troubles, but the Lord delivers him from them all..."

YOU did that for me GOD and I want to show and tell others that you can do the same for them.  I also met a girl who said that her friend had recently committed suicide and that bothered me also.  I just kept thinking about the dark place he must have been in.  Everyone was saying that he was a great father but how sad that he didn't know HIS GREAT FATHER.

Lord, please keep me healthy, focused, attentive and available to spread your good news and to use my life and all my pain, joy, heartache, lessons, blessings and triumphs to GLORIFY your name and prayerfully bring as many to the Kingdom as possible. In Jesus' precious name. Amen.

I feel like you're always hugging me and always smiling on me.  It warms me completely!

Eternally yours