Thursday, May 31, 2012

My Lord,

Thank you for a beautiful day.  I had another day of bliss.  But truly, it was another day of undeserving grace. 

Last night in bible study we were going over the 10 plagues on Egypt.  It was such an eye opening study.  I read it in the past, but like I try to tell those who don't attend church that you can easily get caught up in your own way of thinking and completely miss the lessons.  Not that all churches teach the true word of God, but overall, I truly believe in the Pastor leading the flock and the body of members coming together for fellowship, sharing, growing and encouraging one another.

I read over some of my notes and reviewed some applications from one of my study bibles.  I remember the first time that I read Exodus. I told myself that we are the Israelites.  They were hard headed, stubborn, complainers that were also ungrateful and disobedient.  They worshipped idols and kept forgetting how God saved them again and again.  He was such a gracious God that He even gave Pharoh grace.  Exodus 9:14-15.

None of us deserve it, but You GOD are faithful and loving.  You do not want to do us harm, but You will punish the disobedient and the idolaters.

NKJV: Exodus 12:12  "For I will pass through the land of Egypt on that night, and will strike all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the Lord."

Lord, I know that there are times when I am disobedient and oftentimes walking in my own will, going in a path separate from yours.  I long to walk in the ways of your precepts and to honor your Holy name.  In this flesh, I need you.  I am constantly seeking to hear from you and to one day see your face.  Please keep me under your covenant and protection even as I stray.  In Jesus' precious name.  Amen.

Eternally yours