Monday, June 4, 2012

My Lord,

Good morning and thank you for watching over me last night.  The moon was so amazing that I just wanted to stay up late and stare at it.  I so wished I had a camera that would have captured it exactly as it appeared.  I took a photo but it doesn't look like yours. Lol

Lo' and behold, this morning, it was still there.  It was so beautiful that I could hardly focus on driving.  It reminded me of the time I saw a similar image when I lived in Waldorf, which provoked me to write a poem titled, A Natural Satellite.  I cannot take awesome photos to capture the moments, but you did create a writing spirit in me and my words constantly remind me of those moments you and I spend together.

Yesterday in Church, the Pastor said something very profound.  Well, actually it was a question posed by the Apostle Paul. We're studying Galatians in Church so it was his message to the members.  It sat in my head and heart for hours.  My first thought was "wow."  How grateful am I that there is nothing in my life at this point that keeps me from holding my head high, nothing that's hindering my relationship with you.  For a brief moment, I felt sadness because there used to be.  You and I talked in depth about that and you forgave me.

Galatians 5:7 "You were running a good race.  Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth?"

It is my prayer for my children, family, friendships and anyone else who has something blocking their path to you.  Be it fear, success, money, pornography, alcohol, drugs, over working, worrying, a marriage, family members, etc...Lord may you bring it to light so that they can be free of it and receive your freedom that in turn offers peace and grace.  And that they would begin to bear fruit for your Kingdom.

I have said it for a while now and it is nothing but the truth.  "This life is not about me. It's not about us."  We are here to be a blessing to others and to ultimately glorify your Holy name.  After all, you did give your one and only son's life in exchange for our sins and freedom.

Eternally yours