Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My Lord,

Yesterday the devil showed up for work.  He was cussing and fussing and throwing the F word all over the place.  I was furious but I DID NOT show it and I did not say what I wanted to say.  I was quiet and professional.  I just so happen to have my music on low and I was listening to Fred Hammond's, NO weapon formed..."

I know that ALL the time that you and I are spending together is indeed strengthening me, building my confidence and character.  I also know that Satan is NOT happy about that.  I looked at him with such sadness.  He is lonely and lost.  I used to be him.  Not to that degree but similar.  And yes, I've said the F word a time or two in my past.

MY LORD, THANK YOU that I am not her anymore!  I praise you Father.

deep breath...

I know that all days won't be good days and I surely can't remember a bad one.  And even though he came in displaying a very ugly side of himself, it did not ruin my day.  My cup still runneth over.  The beach was still here when I got home and I still walked along the shore singing and dancing with glee.  Sometimes I wish I had the guts to sing really loud regardless of who's listening, but it would scare people.  A singer, I'm not. Lol

Thank you again Father for the work you're doing in me, with me and for me.  I know it's all for your Glory and prayerfully, I can produce fruit unimaginable through you.

2 Timothy 1:7 Paul mentions three characteristics of the effective Christian leader: power, love, and self-discipline. These are availble because the Holy Spirit lives in "me."

2 Timothy 2:3 Endure suffering along with me, as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. Soldiers don't get tied up in the affairs of civilian life, for then they cannot please the officer who enlisted them.

NLT - Life Application

Eternally yours