Wednesday, May 9, 2012

My Lord,

I just finished my usual bowl of cereal. Lol
My mom tried to get me to take some collard greens home today and cook them.  So not in my make up.  I told her that I bought some spinach and broccoli yesterday.  She didn't believe me.  Funny how parents know their kids.  Seriously though, I did.  But cereal is easy, quick and yummy.  But maybe it's just me.  Prayerfully the man you're preparing for me will cook and my mom won't worry about me as much. moving on to some serious stuff...I came home to find a card taped to my door and a book that I had ordered.  The book was part one of this blog.  I LOVE IT.  I couldn't stop reading it this afternoon.  It was if someone else hadn't written half the stuff in it.  My goodness how you transformed my life and my heart in a big way.  I think it's like looking at yourself in the mirror, day after day. You have no idea how much you've changed because you are use to seeing "yourself."  Kind of reminds me of when I was sick and my friend made a huge deal about my weight loss.  I then took another look at myself and saw what she was seeing.

Anyway, the book is incredible and I praise your name to the highest.  Because of the path you've taken me on, I met Alice in bible study and she is the one who originally gave me the book, His Princess Bride.  That in turn led me to begin this journey with you and commit myself wholeheartedly to our wedding vowels.

And as I type the word wholeheartedly, it reminds me of tonight's bible study.  We are studying the life of Moses and how God was looking at Moses' heart and not his capabilities.  Man looks at the abilities and Lord as we know from 1st Samuel 16:7 and 2nd Chronicles 16:9, YOU see the heart of your children.  And you also know that in the past, my heart was not with you.  It was caught up in all the wrong relationships and worshipping all the wrong "things."  I have truly learned the hard way that you will turn our failures into successes once we submit and commit to you.  Yes, easier said than done, but so worth it in the end.

I love your law and your precepts.  I love going to bible study and coming away with so much more than when I first walked in.  I have developed some really significant friendships and I feel so comforted and prayed for by my church family.  When I walked in, the Pastor said, "There she is."  Ginormous smile on my part.  I put a sign on my wall that says, "As I am taught, I must teach."  After all, my prayer is and forever will be Isiah 6:8.

Speaking of using me.  I saved the best for last. About a month ago, I spoke with a sweet young girl who really needed guidance, advice and prayer.  I know that on the dark night, I gave her all three.  You were present and used me in a big way.  I was totally taken off the course that I had originally planned.  Well lo' and behold, she left a card on my door with an update.  She moved, seems very happy and said that she does not regret her decision.  She thanked me and said that my kids were really lucky to have me.  Not only that, she thanked you for using me and she is now attending my church.  I didn't know it because she attends the last service.  WOW!  BIG PRAISES TO YOU LORD.  You are truly awesome!

Eternally yours