Friday, May 11, 2012

My Lord,

Good morning.  I've actually been up for quite sometime.  Not only did I want to take a photo of your sun-gift but I have a busy day ahead.  I wanted to go over my to-do list and ensure that I am prepared.  And yes, please redirect my steps as you see fit.

I wanted to talk about last night.  We just finished our Thursday night women's bible study and as you know it was all about LOVE.  We studied from 1st, 2nd and 3rd John.  The title was "A Woman of Beauty."  How on time was that?  I needed it in a BIG way last night. 

I was walking along the shore, joyful and completely in your presence.  I truly wanted to just lay on the ground and stare up at the stars.  They were magnificent and in abundance.  The sky was so beautiful and bright that before I came in, I wrote a poem on my iPhone.  It's titiled "You Father God."

But back to the walk...a lady and her husband were walking their dogs and as our paths were about to cross, she had this intense look on her face.  She walked up closely to me and stopped abruptly.  She told me that I was on the wrong side of the boardwalk and that it was like driving in traffic-I was supposed to move over and let her past. 

First of all, I was in my front yard...that's what I call the beach-my yard :-) 
I was not moving.  I was in my peaceful place and she was not going to ruin it for me.  Whatever issues she had prior to confronting me was not my doing.  I looked at her, she began to say some mean things and I immediately felt sorry for her husband.  I thought by her obnoxious behavior that he was feeling a bit embarrassed.  As it turn out, he also said some mean things. 

That only provoked me to stand firm, sing and dance to the tune on my playlist.  She got so pissed off and began to walk away in a haste.  I told her that I loved her and that I would pray for her.  She yelled as loudly as she could, "I don't believe in GOD and you need help."

That explains it.  She was not only hurting, she was lost.  WOW.  They both were.  I cannot imagine a person believing in God and marrying someone who does not.  It surely gave me chills.  The Antichrist was walking on the boardwalk along side me.

I continued to tell her that she could not stop me from praying for her.  She got even madder.  It was surely the saddest and scariest thing I've seen in a long time.

I'm just so grateful to you for the study.  It has helped me to see others with such a deeper level of compassion.  Love is indeed lacking in our society.  People are hurting and angry and confused.  Most are operating in their own will and on the verge of collasping at any moment.  I'm surely speaking from experience.

Father, help me to love in excess.  Help me to continue to walk with you and to see the needs of others in a way that YOUR strength and grace sustains my efforts to press on.  To put others before self and not seek any reward whatsoever.

Eternally yours