Sunday, May 20, 2012

My Lord,

This was an awsome weekend and I thank you so very much!

Yesterday we praised you all day.  It was fantastic. 
Jackie invited me to her Ladie's luncheon and it was so wonderful to see all the girls.  Everyone greeted me so lovingly and Ms. Pat cried.  I miss them and it was great to fellowship again.  The men served us unlimited soup and salad and it was a real treat. In the end, I won a door prize and it was just perfect for me.  It was a beautiful scarf that Lisa had picked out and it somehow had my name written all over it.

She and I were talking about you, your timing and your will...lo' and behold, that was the message from the guest speaker.  It was titled, "In His Time."  Waiting on God, hearing from God and when to seize the moment.  She used the story of Queen Esther as our guide and life application.

Wow, did I have some notes to meditate on.  Not only that, a big revelation came to light that I will not discuss here, but you Lord, know the thing that I have released from my grasp.  I'm continuing in my patience journal and so many things are being revealed. I'm super excited that you have my very best interest at heart.  No man could ever fill my heart and soul the way that you do and that alone, gives me such peace and contentment.

Later, I went to Lauren's Church.  She was singing and invited me to come and listen.  WOW. She has an awesome voice and it was chilling to hear her praise your name.  You are transforming her right before my eyes.  She was so mad when I first met her last summer and so relying on self.  I recognized that because I was once her.  I am so very proud of the woman she's become. We have a great friendship now and she along with all the wonderful women you've brought into my life have taken me so out of my comfort zone.  You have lots of work for us to do and I only pray that I keep myself in the best shape possible to be of service.  And I mean that in a physical, spritiual and emotional sense.

After my action packed day, I put on my sneakers and walked along the seashore.  I listened to my PRAISE Him playlist and I felt so wrapped in your love.  The day was truly incredible.  Having freedom in you so frees me from all the worrying I used to do before we met.  And for that my Lord, I thank you!

BTW... as I was typing this a beautiful big white butterfly kept fluttering by the window.  I know that it was you.  Big smile from me!

Eternally yours