Saturday, May 5, 2012

My Lord,

Happy Beautiful Saturday.

Wow. I'm so grateful to you for this sunny and gorgeous day.  I love it!  Even though I have to leave for work in about an hour, I am still joyful.

As you know, we are currently studying Moses in bible study.  I had to pray about it because there are two studies in session and I had a choice between Paul and Moses.  You know how I feel about Paul.  I simply love him.  His passion and unwavering faith to preach the gospel just makes me want more of you each and every day.  I love so many of his letters, but especially Philippians.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  I have learned to be content...and my favorite, I am torn between being with the Lord and staying here and finishing the work you have for me."

The question for reflection in bible study was, "what is your wilderness moment?"  My Lord, I am so grateful to you.  At this point in my life, I do not have one.  Yes, I have had one...actually, I've had many.  But today, right  I am content, at peace and very aware of your presence in my life.  If you had not carried me "through" the wilderness, I would not have woken up on the beach this morning, basked in your sun-gift and walked to the bakery.  I would not have had one of the best cups of coffee ever and walked along the boardwalk.  I would not have listened to all of my favorite songs and sent up praises to you as I long to see your face.  And I certainly wouldn't have a joyful heart knowing that I have to soon head out for work.  Joyful because at 10:30 tonight, I get to come back here.  I get to take off my uniform, shower, climb into bed, listen to the waves and read my devotional.  I get to do it again and again, because you are faithful.

So no.  I do not have a wilderness moment.  And my Lord, when one comes...and it will, I will still be joyful and praise your Holy name.  Because you are so faithful, you will remind me of the times in the past when you pulled me through.  It was by your grace alone.  With that being said, I'm off to a have a great day.

Eternally yours