Wednesday, May 16, 2012

My Lord,

Good morning and thank you for another day and another beautiful sun-gift.  A special thank you for my ability to see.  Yesterday after waking up from a nap I turned to see your promise in the sky.  Another full rainbow.  My second since I've lived here.  I've seen at least 6 rainbows since last year, but this was my second full blown love gift in an array of amazing colors.  It just warms my heart and gives me feelings of a little girl whose Father has kept his word.  I shared it with family and friends via text and e-mail.  I couldn't possibly keep it to myself.

On another note, I forgot to post about Saturday.  It was such an action packed day that it completely exhausted me.  I was asked to give my testimony in Church for our Mother's Day Breakfast and it was both exciting and emotional.  I'm usually not nervous when it comes to talking about you, but then, I've never done it with an audience and a microphone.  Afterwards, everyone was hugging me and thanking me for sharing.  Some cried and of course, I cried.

What touched me most was that a twenty year old girl hugged me really tight and shared that she was saved when she was in the third grade.  I felt envious for a moment of all the time she'd been spending with you.  I told her how sorry I was that I waited so long.  She said that a lot of her friends and various others that she knows tend to get complacent with you because they've taken their relationship for granted.  A lot of people are attracted to my fire and passion and are constantly saying, "Don't lose it."  Lord, I have to say that there was a reason you saved me at 43 and not 20 or even 30.  Whatever the reason, I am forever greatful and forever faithful.

I wrote a letter to the kids for Mother's Day and it started like this: Dear Tatiana and Alex, On this Mother's Day, my wish is that you remain faithful in the Lord...and of course there was a lot of gratitude, love and mushy stuff in the middle, but it ended like this: 3 John 1:4 "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."  Although they are 24 and 29, I still feel like they are my little heartbeats from you.  I've made tons of mistakes as their mom and they have forgiven me.  The love and relationship that we share today is priceless.  We all love you and we all know that this life here is temporary.  They have witnessed my transformation and they know that when I leave this earthly place that my joy will be complete.  I know that they will be sad for a period, but they know that I will be with you and that they will see me again in the Kingdom. 

JOY unimaginable!

Eternally yours