Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Lord,

It is a GORGEOUS Sunday Morning and I Praise and thank you.  It was an awesome, awesome weekend.

I went to church this morning and with the coats.  I wore a girly dress and everyone kept saying how pretty I looked.  It was funny. I guess because I've always wore pants.  I felt extra pretty today.  I think the sunshine and your LIGHT of Love had a lot to do with it.  I also think it was because I was listening to Dr. Stanley's radio ministry while I was getting dressed.  He talked about 2 Corinthians 12:9...My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.

On July 16, 2011, I posted this on my bathroom door:
Lord, please help me to reveal my weaknesses so that together, we can strengthen me for your Kingdom.  In Jesus' name. Amen!

My Lord, that is still my prayer.  In this flesh, I know there will be many times where I'll do what I want to do and oftentimes, it will come so natural, that I will be unaware of it.  That is exactly why I love in your word where you say that you will discipline those you LOVE.  LORD, love me excessively...Lol

Interesting enough, the piano player spoke about the very same verse above before going into our Praise song.  And as we sing Praises to your Holy name, my heart rejoices and smiles, not only because I love you so, but because of the little tiny heartbeats just outside our window.  The birds praise and sing sweet melodies on the exterior as your children sing on the interior.  PRAISES all around for you.  You are more than deserving.

I love how you've shown your presence in every area of my life.  Specifically, this morning.  It is such a huge blessing that I can go to Church before coming to work.  Having an extra morning with you before I face the "mission field" does amazing things to my spirit.  I was able to watch your beautiful sun-gifts the past two mornings and then today, the sunrays were truly AWESOME.  I was so busy watching you, that before I knew it, I had about 10 minutes to get dress and out the door.  Thank you for an awesome morning, my Lord.

Eternally yours