Tuesday, April 17, 2012

My Lord,

As I left out this morning at 04:26 a.m., the stars, to include the big dipper were amazing.  Lord, yesterday was amazing.  How anyone can wake up and not praise you is beyond me.  Funny, as I typed that sentence, in my sinful, lost and selfish self, there were YEARS that I did not praise you.  I didn't know about or should I say, wasn't fully aware of your beauty and your presence in my life.  There was too much pain and too many worldly distractions.

Romans 1:20 For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.

I had an awesome day yesterday and my Lord, I do thank you.  It felt so incredible from dawn's early light until midnight.  I woke up to your amazing sun-gift.  I took a walk to Blondie's for a great cup of coffee and then, as I walked back toward the house, it was just too beautiful and warm to go inside.  I sat on the boardwalk with you.  The view was spectacular.  I talked with a few people and then decided to go inside and get my journal. I was sure to be inspired and I had to write it down.

I sent out few texts and made a few calls.  I said some prayers for my friend's mom, her husband and a gentleman who was laid off.  Lord, please answer those prayers according to your sovereign will.

Later, I went for my hourly long walk and counted 20 butterflies along the way. WOW! And then I was off to run a few errands and to visit Jenny at the nursing home.  I was deeply sadden to hear that Agnes had passed on.  Again, Lord, please be with my friends there and keep their spirits afloat and their hearts wrapped in your perfect peace.

After leaving there, I had a beautiful sunny and warm ride back home.  I wanted to donate blood but my iron count was off by .5 points.  Sad face.  I so need more broccoli and spinach in my life.

I then met Lauren for an early dinner.  What a blast.  We talked about boys and laughed so hard till it hurt.  I mean the kind where your stomach felt like you did four set of crunches.  We almost peed on ourselves as the tears rolled down our cheeks.  To say that we drew attention to ourselves would be an understatement. We walked the boardwalk and shared the songs on our playlist...love-love-love!

After she left, I sat on the beach and played in the sand.  I wrote some sand scripts and took photos.  I was so missing Max.  As darkness began to appear, I went inside...which was just a few feet away.  I still cry about that sacred place you've blessed me with.

I took a shower and before turning in, I read Isaiah, Dr. Stanley's devotional and wrote 3 poems.  Can life get any better?  Why certainly. In my mind, you keep saying, "Dear sweet child, you haven't seen anything yet. After all, you are going to Alaska for your birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

YAY! Cartwheels!!!!!!!!!!!

Eternally yours