Thursday, April 12, 2012

My Lord,

Deep breath...grateful, grateful me.  I woke up at 4:20 a.m. and began listening to Vicki Yohe's, "I'm not asking for anything" and was compelled to go out to the balcony and PRAISE your Holy name.  Of course, one look up and the tears began to fall.  The amazing things you do with the sky just gives me an overwhelming feeling of your presence and your longing for your children to just simply stop and acknowledge you.

The midnight blues and the creamy textures bundled into little puffy pockets of Glory.  The stars displayed in various images as the moon gently glides by...ahhhhh...Heaven.

And then, on the way to work...more praise.  I just love music that speaks of you in ways that I could never muster up the words.  Tears and gratitude simultaneously filled my spirit as I maneuvered through the rush hour traffic on my way into the office.

While listening to my morning sermon, the Pastor was speaking about the difference between ordinary and extraordinary...

I pray that my spirit is extraordinary. I know that we all have gifts and talents given by you and to be used for your Kingdom.  I like to think that we have our natural gifts that you gave us at birth and then our spiritual gifts that you give us at Salvation.  I believe that I have discovered both and with your grace, I pray that I am using them in ways that GLORIFY you and bring others into your awareness. 

In my dark years, I don't remember having anyone like that in my life. could have been that I was so consumed with the "things" of this world that I completely missed it.

Either way, Lord, I am longing to be that extra-ordinary disciple that makes your heart smile.  I feel that you're blessing me in ways unimaginable and continually rewarding me for my obedience and that the best is yet to come.

Isaiah 66:24 Before they call I will answer; while they are still speaking I will hear.

Eternally yours