Wednesday, April 11, 2012

My Lord,

Good beautiful morning to YOU!  I love you so...truly I do.  Each morning when the alarm goes off, it's not only another day, but another day to spend in your presence.  I never know what the day holds and that excites me.  Knowing that I'm not in control is absolutely freeing.  Not that I wouldn't mind a hint or clue...but overall, having you direct every moment of my life is truly my "Bliss!"

This morning the Pastor said, "Are you over there when God wants you over here?"  And then I asked myself, "Am I where I want to be or where YOU want me to be?"

My Lord, not if, but when there comes a time that I move outside your will, please pull me back to you.  I never want to go ahead of you or without you.  I long to be in your covenant, your protective wings and your grace and mercy.  I haven't a clue what to do on my own and my ways surely didn't reap any fruit in the past.  I need your guidance and your truth to be of any good to those you bring across my path.  I never want my counsel, advice or words of encouragement to come from a place of self or ego.  May all things Glorify your Holy name.  In Jesus' name. Amen.

James 4:8 Come near to God and he will come near to you...

Eternally yours