Hello God! What's up?
That just came to mind when I was reminded of little Alex. A few years back we had a coffee date. I think she was 10. She told me that she finally heard God's voice and it completely changed her. She said that she heard: "I love you Alex!" She shared that she never knew those words would change her life and how she relates to YOU! So from that encounter, she felt so comfortable simply saying, "What's up God?"
Isn't that the kind of faith that You said would get us into heaven? Childlike?
So not about works! Glory Hallelujah!
Today I met with big Alex and his sister Q! You were so glorified because I have nothing to say apart from what You're doing and how You are the #answer to everything. Seriously, I've got nothing!"
My Alex needed some encouragement and as YOU already know, that's my spiritual gift. I was so vulnerable in telling him that sometimes, I just don't feel like it. I don't feel like reading. I don't feel like praying. I don't feel like church. I don't feel like witnessing. I don't feel like life...I get so weary at times...so weary. My tears almost always wipe me out!
Sometimes, I honestly feel like being still and doing absolutely #nothing! And in those moments, YOU so still love me! And even more so, when I don't, but I walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit and "just do it" YOU so bless me! I mean YOU seriously bless me! GOD You never #disappoint!
I was sitting there talking with them and here comes Ms. Teresa. You know her story and I cannot wait for it to all be used for good! Praying and expecting the same with Kyle and Ben. GOD You Reign Supreme and I get to watch it all unfold.
Lord Jesus, You are the ultimate ENCOURAGER and I pray with my whole heart that YOU will give my son what he needs. You know the deepest needs and longings. I cannot meet those. It's 100% Your job and thank You a hundred times over that it is not dependent upon me.
You see him and all of his siblings. You see his nieces, his aunts, his uncle, his grandparents, his dad and stepmom, all of his closest relationships and you know what each person needs. Inhale...exhale.… #SELAH!
LORD You know that I love all scripture. BUT, there are always those ones that come right when you need a WORD! I love the one that says: You are the GOD of all flesh and that nothing is too difficult for You! YAY!!! I'm 55, soon to be 56, Lord willing, in July. And in my childlike voice, I say, "YAY!!!"
I love You and I give it all over to You. I don't have to have a specific ministry. I don't have to study a particular book of the bible. I don't have to do on-line fellowship. I don't have to read my bible app daily. I don't have to intercede. I don't have to send out letters and cards of encouragement. I don't have to run errands for people. I don't have to "give of myself." I don't have to do prayer walks. I don't have to share the truth of who Jesus is...
However, I want to. Not all of these things and not always. My flesh is so weak, but my spirit is willing.
I love You and I love being used by You. I love that last year, my word was #adventure. It was such an adventure that I wanted to carry it over into #2020. And although You gave me the word #truth for this year, this adventure in the truth has been quite the adventure. Rediscovering Jesus. Getting so deep in Your Word and sharing Your truths with those that I encounter. I am compelled to seek truth and then to share it. I simply cannot keep it to myself.
I crack myself up sometimes as I'm often saying, "Today, I'm not going to send anything out." Today, no Barnabas texting and no FB posting. Then YOU reveal something to me that is SO good, I have to share. Even if it reaches just one soul in their season of life. It may be the one nugget of Your #truth they needed to hear and need to know that You came through for them.
GOD that's what You do. You come through for us. I needed to hear from You the other night. I was saying some things "inside" my head. Questioning some serious stuff and before I went to sleep....there was the answer! John Piper's sermon. It wasn't even a recent one. And it wasn't even for his congregation. He was ministering to a group at The Gospel Coalition. I absolutely loved it and WOW GOD! It was so timely and appropriate. I already knew the answer, but again...the flesh is weak.
You are so very patient with me and I love You. Please again, I pray that You would hear the prayers I prayed today, yesterday, and the ones I'll pray tomorrow and answer them according to Your Divine will. You know me by now to know that I mean that. I want what You want. As I told my Alex today, this world has nothing to offer me. Even if I die, I win! And if I stay here longer that I would prefer, like the Apostle Paul, I win...because I still have purpose in Your #kingdomagenda.
PS: God the birds were so beautiful and so loud this morning! SO glorious delightful!
Love eternally,