Sunday, January 7, 2018

It Never Gets Old

Father, I say Thank You!  It never gets old me PRAISE You is my life.  I arrived here in Ohio on the 26th and I have felt such a closeness to You beyond......

I really can't find the words....but YOU #know my heart.

I held no expectations because YOU never disappoint.  I packed a few items of clothing and bought two bags of "God Tools."  My dad couldn't believe that I had two big bags of books.  How can I not (ARM) myself as You have instructed?!

The closer I grow to You and the more I travel, I find myself bringing less material stuff and More Scripture, More Truth, More Prayer Journals, More Pens, More Highlighters, More Devotionals, More Prayer Points, More Blank Notebook Paper, More.......

I KNOW THAT ALL I NEED IS THE BIBLE.....BUT I absolutely LOVE how YOU give us more...

I love the tools You have given us to aide in our spiritual growth and journey toward the likeness of Your Beloved Son.  Sometimes, I can sit with the Bible and be there alone with YOU ALL DAY, for days...

And then, there are those times when I have all my God tools laid out and I go from one journey to the next. YOU #always give me a nugget from every thing I lay my eyes on.  Like here...

While in Akron, I've been praying, reading, meditating, singing, praising, crying, growing, walking, listening and sending out my Barnabas text, according to the Spirit's leading.......


It's still cold here.  But guess what?  It's winter....and in this season of #winter, YOU have something to say to us.  Winter is barren, cold, often disconnected, slow, (sometimes dark) and (sometimes isolated).  BUT if WE SEEK YOU, if we SEARCH for YOU, if we LONG for YOU, if we STILL ourselves, if we EMBRACE this season...there is #joy in the journey!  Yes, I'm (in-joying) myself, here in Akron, Ohio, in the midst of a #dangerously cold winter.

Side note:  My dad is in the next room watching NCIS Los Angeles.  I'm at the kitchen table where the LIGHT is brighter.  He asked if I wanted the portable heater brought in and placed near me.  I said, "No, in my mind, I'm sitting on the deck and the ceiling light is actually sun/SON-LIGHT!"

Yes, I'm enjoying this journey and I say, "THANK YOU!