Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Not Sure Why...

My Lord,

Thank you for your grace and gift of another beautiful day.  Another day to love you and be with you.  Another day to seek and to serve.  Another day to be of use toward your kingdom work.  Another day to be "Barnabas." :-)

My Lord, last night I made a juice with sweet potatoes.  I would have never thought that I could drink a sweet potato.  I am so loving this journey and the ability to see myself transform...mind and body-day by day.  Thank you Father.  I don't need a gift for my 50th Birthday.  This gift that I currently have...to have finally come to the realization that my health matters...it is important and that it does make an overall difference to my mindset and energy level.  That in and of itself is "gift" enough for me.

Father, you woke me at 2 am and I could not go back to sleep.  I read Dr. Stanley's message on "The Riches of God's Grace" Referencing Ephesians 1:3-9. Always #overwhelming to know the depth of your love for us.

And then I read Lysa's "Craving God" Devotion: Sometimes We Just Have To Be Quiet
1. In the quiet, we feel safe enough to humble ourselves
2. In the quiet, God lifts us up to a more rational place.
3. In the quiet, anxiety gives way to progress.
4. In the quiet, we acknowledge that our real enemy isn't the other person.
5. In the quiet, I can rest assured God will use this conflict for good-no matter how it turns out.
Heavenly Father, help these truths sink in and become apart of who I am and how I live.  In Jesus' precious name. Amen
My Gracious Lord, I'm not sure what you wanted to tell me, so I just read those and I prayed.  And then, I fell back to sleep.
I pray that something I've shared today with my Barnabas recipients will speak directly to their Spirits.
Thank you that yesterday's truth was just what Anna and Sharde' needed.  You are on ON TIME GOD!  And yes, that's just one of the reasons why I heart you! XO
Prayer request: Robin, Linda, Dana, Marlena, Sharde', Rachel, C. Family, Unspoken, MPDC, Kim T., Summer, Tessah and the Dobry Family.
Eternally yours
-Lysa TurKeurst