Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Mini Oprah

My Lord,

Because of YOUR Spirit that "dwells" in me, I am a mini Oprah. Lol

In my darkness, I was addicted to the Oprah show.  I used to love her ability to gift people with things and stand in amazement at the reactions and overwhelming hearts of gratitude.

I wanted to be her...not them, but her.  To be able to gift someone with something and experience that amazing feeling of [wow], an awesome heartfelt moment of "truly blessing someone" when they needed it, least expected it, or just "because."

Well, like I said, "Because you live in me..." I am her (BUT) on a much smaller scale. Lol

Your spirit allowed me to have those little moments and I did not take any credit because had you not saved me, put in me the ability to totally trust and rely on you to meet all my needs, I would still be in self-protection mode.

My Oprah recipients include: Haiti School, Peter's School, RV., CT., RR., Ms. B., DS., G.W., HT., RD., LR., RC., TD., The Water Project, Calvary Women's Shelter, Central Union Mission, Focus on The Family, In Touch, Our Daily Bread, Family Life Today, Cross County, Missions, JE., Book Give away, and so much more that we have yet to do....I'm super excited to see who the next blessing will fall upon and wow wee...What a awesome journey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU and the hugs and tears that I get...."Priceless."  It feels my heart more than anything I could have ever imagined.  ALL because of YOU!

Your word is SO True:
Proverbs 11:25
A generous person will prosper:
whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.

I'm So Refreshed I can't stand it! LOL

Eternally yours