Monday, September 9, 2013


My Lord,

Thank you for your FAVOR in my daughter's life.  She is so thirsty for you.  She sent me a text saying that she couldn't wait to drop the kids off at school so that she could spend time with you.  I love her passion and longing to serve you, be with you and obey you.  We are traveling similar journeys regarding being patient, obedient and longing to hear from you.  We are on fire for you and want to clearly know what our assignment is.

I trust you Lord.

I trust you with my day, my future, my children and my life.

YOU are my ROCK and nothing in my life can separate me from Your love, your forgiveness and your mercy.  NOTHING I do can change the fact that I am your PRINCESS BRIDE and that you are coming back for me.

We are in the last days and I am not afraid.

Eternally yours