Sunday, September 22, 2013


My Lord,

Thank you for a place to worship and a body of believers who truly honor and praise you.  I feel such love at church and such an AWE and passion for you.  The workers, servants, members, brothers and sisters are truly a beauty to behold.  We all come together in fellowship, bible study, cooking, cleaning, serving, praying, encouraging, gifting, strengthening one another with the HOPE of your return.  Your goodness, grace, mercy, love, promises and presence is unbelievable, YET, we believe.


If the word of God is not true, all that I am is a lie.  BUT, because you are GOD and you cannot lie, I am alive in Christ Jesus and my life is yours!  I wouldn't want it any other way.  Here I am to I am to bow down and say that you are my God!

And speaking of BELIEVING...this morning we continued our journey through The Story and we picked up in Chapter 22.  The Birth Of A King!

How incredibly amazing that after the Book of Malachi, you were silent for 400 years.  NOT A SINGLE WORD FROM HEAVEN!

And then, you send an Angel to Mary to proclaim your truth, promise and prophecy.  She did not understand, yet she believed. 


Something to deeply meditate on indeed...

Eternally yours