Sunday, August 11, 2013

Amazing Grace!

My Lord,

You are so awesome.  I recently wrote a poem on my Free Spirited Blog and it included the song, "Amazing Grace."

Today we sang it in Church.  It was so loved-filled, I could have sung it all day!  Oh how I love you!

The message was so awesome too :-)

Father, please help me to be more compassionate, more gentle, more loving and more understanding to those who do not know YOU.  Remind me daily that they are living without a Shepherd as I once was.  I know that I LOVE YOU like crazy and not everyone feels this passionate.  Help me to speak with kindness, but with honesty and wisdom as well.

Please fill my cup with more Grace and continued desire to be like You; serving more of others and less of self.

In Jesus' precious name.  Amen.

Eternally yours