Thursday, April 18, 2013

My Lord,

Good morning and thank you.

Last night as we continued our journey in The Story, we learned about King Solomon.  I already know his story, but oftentimes we forget or glance over the lives of others when it does not pertain to us.  Somehow, last night's message stuck to my core like gum. 

Question for reflection:  If King Solomon asked you for wisdom and was granted it, but still disobeyed you in many areas of his life, where does that leave me?

By your stripes, I am healed.  By your grace, I have been saved.  By your blood and redemption, I have salvation.

Yes, King Solomon began his race with devotion, fervor and a mighty strength... but his flesh failed you many, many times...and in the end, he did not finish his race.  He failed to keep you as the One True God of his life.  However, he did leave us with the book of Proverbs and Ecclesiates.  May we be governed by his wisdom and may the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be forever pleasing in your sight.

I know that you seek those who seek a heart after you and those who walk in obedience.  Not perfection, but a true longing to obey your commands and precepts.  You Father, have promised that when we do just that, we will live long and have a prosper life.

I do not do it in order to have the latter, I want to walk in your truth because YOU have first loved me and in spite of my failures, sins and future mistakes... YOU, will still love me.

Eternally yours