Monday, February 18, 2013

My Lord,

Thank you for the many, many people you've placed in my life: Specifically, Dr. Charles Stanley.  I receive his devotionals via e-mail as well as his monthly "In Touch" bulletin.  He has such a passion for you and he is one of the Angels you used to draw me out of "darkness."

His message for the weekend was titled: Learning to Wait.

He says:
"Learning to wait on God demands at least three things of us. 

First, we must be sensitive to Him.  That is, we mush nurture our relationship with the Father so we can hear Him when He says, "Wait." 

Second, we must trust His judgment. Does God know more than we do?  Yes.  Then we should trust Him.

Third, we must be obedient to Him.  If we try to make something happen on our own after God tells us to wait, then we're headed for disaster.  The Lord blesses obedience-even obedient waiting."

Father, thank you that I have learned to wait on You.  Not that I don't have my tantrums every now and again...but I "will NOT" move ahead without You.  Please hold me accoutable for my actions if and when I forget who's in "Charge."

Eternally Yours