Wednesday, February 20, 2013

My Lord,

Good morning and thank you.

Yesterday, Dana told me about a Praise Radio Station and I was listening to it while driving home.  I laughed as I could sing along with some of the songs.  We sing them in Church.  I laughed again and looked up to the sky.  I am a Christian and I love Gospel music.  So not who "I used to be."

As I was approaching...what I call the "roller coaster" - the hills leading me home, a song came on that spoke to my spirit.  "It Is Well With My Soul."  I was frozen in the lyrics.  Grateful and humble me.
Oddly enough...Melanie sent me a profound email later that evening about the song and the author.  WoW!

And on the way to work this morning, I was switching back between the Praise Channel and WAVA and another song came on that brought me to tears.  I remember when I heard CeCe sing it a couple of years ago.  I was on the way to work back then and had to pull over on 295.  The cry was ugly and loud.

How Great Thou Art...was the song and it almost always brings tears to my eyes.  This morning, I was thinking about you and all the ways you've touched my life.  I specifically reflected upon my gift of writing and there were many times when I kept saying that I was tired of writing. I simply wished that I could just stop.  It was overwhelming, exhausting and seemed to have a hold on me.

I cried this morning because You Father, you were behind the pen.  My spiritual gifts are encouragement and writing.  You were there when I felt so lost and alone and reached for my first pen and you are still here when I am the happiest, most joy-filled, loved-filled, peace-filled and content-filled I've ever been and still...I'm reaching for my pen.

Lord, I had a strange epiphany while looking up to you in the clouds this it possible...just maybe, one of my poems could become a Praise and Worship song to you?  Father, I heard a sermon on the radio this morning about a women who had lost three babies and now, today, she is the mother of 6 boys.  She ended her message with a BIG reminder...with God, ANYTHING is possible. She said to never give up on your DREAMS!

So Father, I would love it, if one day, I could write a poem and someone out there would turn it into a PRAISE song the Most High God in the Universe :-)

In Jesus' precious name. Amen

Eternally yours