Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My Lord,

I have to praise You!

Yesterday, for reasons i simply could not explain...i needed a personal day.  It came all of a sudden.  I had the alarm set and in my mind, i knew what i was wearing to work and saw myself getting dressed and leaving out...but something in me just couldn't muster up the strength to go into the office.

I requested a personal day off and was granted approval.  Father, thank you for a job that allows personal days and sick days.

As a result of that, i read and stayed in the bed.  I drank tea and i also switched to my "birthday" chair and read some more.  Out of the blue (surely by your hands of course) a friend called and it was not happenstance.  He was not feeling well and had stayed home too.

We talked for about an hour and had we both been at work, we would not have had the opportunity to catch up and share what we shared.  Father i pray that you will work in his life and in his heart.  I pray that you will heal his ailment and restore his health.  I pray that when you do all of what i just requested, that he will give the glory to you.

Father, i thank you for the many friendships that have come my way since receiving the gift of salvation and for those special "ones" that choose to call on me in their time of (need, concern and uncertainty...) You are doing a mighty work in my life and in my heart.  I am not the quiet, shy, voiceless girl i once was and i so want to be stretched by your hands and not settle into complacency.

In these things, i pray.  Amen.

Psalm 46:10  Be still and know that I am God.
Psalm 37:7 Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him.

My Lord, i am enjoying the stillness and the waiting...whatever you're planning for me, Father, i trust you.

Eternally yours