Sunday, January 27, 2013

My Lord,


I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and that you rose again on the third day.  Father, I believe that my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life and that you are coming back for "those who belong to you."

I believe that as long as I am in the flesh, I will sin, make mistakes and stumble ... but that by Your Promise,  I can repent and be forgiven.  You Father, do NOT condemn your children. (1st John 1:9)

I believe that nothing I have done, can do or will do can take away the LOVE You have for me.

I believe that although my family and friends care deeply for me, NO one knows what's best for me better than you.  After all, your hands knitted me together in my mother's womb.  Your plans for me are sealed.

I believe that you will protect and care for my children and that YOU are their Father and graciously chose me to be their mom ... that was not happenstance ... it was Your plan all along.

I believe that there will be MANY things that I don't understand ... what's happening and why ... but that it is Your hand at work in my it death, illness, loss of income, unmet desires, failed dreams...

I believe that although my life has bore much fruit, YOU Father, still have GREAT things planned for me in ways that will Glorify Your name to the Highest and contribute to the Kingdom work in eternity.

I believe that You do not want one soul to parish and that You are still loving and just that ALL would come to Christ and not surrender to the Devil and His subtle schemes.

I believe that in all circumstances, Your grace abounds to strengthen us, prosper us and that Your heart's desire is for us to receive your unconditional love and recycle it back into the lost world.

Father, I believe ALL YOUR PROMISES that are written in Red!  I believe that You are with me every second of the day and that you will open the gates of heaven when my life here is done.  In Jesus' precious name, I believe!  Amen!!!!

Eternally yours