Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My Lord,

This year alone, you have allowed me to travel to Ohio, New York, Alaska, Haiti and Miami.  You graciously provided me with money, transportation, traveling mercies and tons of beautiful memories.

I have surrendered my life to you in countless ways and each and everyday, YOU Father, show me that it was the absolute best decision I've ever made.  Not because you bless me with "things" and not because you "allow" me to live on the beach...but because in my own will and in my own so called "strength" I had no peace. 

My old life was exhaustion, chaos, irritation, resentment, and frustration...just to name a few.  But YOUR gift of peace, the one that you offer to everyone...the one that I knew nothing about until I began an intimate relationship with you...Your PEACE, I truly find rest there. 

It is indeed the peace that surpasses all understanding and it is indeed the peace that the world DID not give to me and therefore, CANNOT take away.

For that My Lord, I thank you.

I'm super excited about YOUR plans for me for the coming year.  Simply CANNOT wait...but then again, I can. Patience is something you've taught me as I've walked with You and sat quietly with you :-)

John 14:27
[Jesus said,] "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do no let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

BECAUSE OF YOUR PEACE....I was riding to the Miami aiport and looking up at you and WOW...

Eternally yours