Sunday, December 23, 2012

My Lord,

Happy Beautiful Sunday.

Church was awesome this morning.  I was so excited to go.  Last week I was in Miami hanging out with Alex and did not get a chance to attend.  Also, this past Wednesday, I was sick and didn't get to attend bible study.  Yes, I missed all the ladies and (the guys too) but Father, I miss being in your sanctuary.  There is something so warm, loving and safe about being in the House of The Lord.  I try to tell T what she's missing, but I continue to pray that very soon, she too will feel this "incredible closeness" to you that I feel.

We were created for Fellowship.  We were not created to worship at home or to worship alone.  How could we possibly bear one another's burdens if we don't open up, trust and learn to simply be ourselves in the "real world."  Pretending is so overrated and so very me...I walked that walk for many years.  SO OVER with. Lol

The service was amazing and just what I needed in this new journey that I'm about to enter into.  Yes, I've been here before, but this time...I am not afraid.  I have a deeper, richer and wiser relationship with you than I had the first time that I traveled this similar path.  I am CONFIDENT in Christ that I will be just fine.

Pastor Wagner and the Pastor on 105.1 FM spoke on the very same message.  Is that a sign from you or what? :-)

FEAR NOT: Luke 2:8-14. " not be afraid. i bring you good news..." 

** We are to fear YOU and NOT man. 
proverbs 9:10  The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom...
psalm 56:3-4  When i am afraid, i will trust in you...
                            ... what can mortal man do to me?

Jesus, please help us to be mindful of you, your presence, and your will for our lives.  Surely as we long to walk with you...we discover that YOUR PLANS for our lives are so much greater than anything we could have planned for ourselves.  I am living proof of that!!!!!

Eternally yours