Thursday, September 6, 2012

My Lord,

I simply cannot thank you enough for bible study.  What would I be doing in the flesh without you and with my "feelings?"

Father, thank you that I do not have to concern myself with that or that I'm not acting out in the things of this world that would eventually leave me broken, disappointed and possibly shameful with regrets.

Thank you for Ray and Kathy and their heart's desire to minister to your flock:

Our season together is coming to an end next week as we will cover forgiveness.  But thus far, the teaching and preaching has given profound insight on "our feelings."

The ENEMY wants to: Tempt us, Accuse us and Deceive Us.

However, if we know you and have an intimate relationship with you, we will see him for what he is.

T - TRUTH: What does God's word say?

B - BELIEVE:  What do we believe?

W- WALK: What do others see when they look at us?  Faith without works is Dead!

F - FEELINGS:  Do we want to trust our feelings or God's word?  Feelings are fleshy emotions that can be deceptive, dangerous and filled with a lifetime of regrets when we act outside of your will. 

THANK you for giving me a discerning spirit and a heart for you.

Eternally yours