Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Lord,

Good morning and thank you for a restful night's sleep.

Father, today, I lift up our Nation in prayer.  The politicians, school teachers, military personnel, public servants, working class, unemployed, students, senior citizens, those suffering from illness, those in good health, those that are afraid and those who do not know you.

Lord, PLEASE let my light and the light of your children shine so bright that someone, anyone calls upon your name to be SAVED.

We simply cannot do it alone.  We need you.  I need you and today especially.  Please, may I have patience, grace and a steadfast heart to be still in the midst of chaos.

In Jesus' precious name, Father, I thank you that you have heard me and that your word says that whatever I ask for in your name, I shall receive it according to your will.  Amen


Eternally yours