Thursday, August 2, 2012

My Lord,

Thank you for restoring my back.  It's not 100% but I trust that soon it will be.  I have to keep in mind that I am getting older. I'm still pretty though. Lol

Two days ago my passport came in the mail.  Haiti here I come.  I am so excited I can hardly stand it.  So far we have enough money for 31 French Bibles. I am confident that we will surpass that.  Father, whenever I say we, I mean you and I.  Without you...who am I?

I just wanted to post some powerful words that are inscribed in my passport that were not in the one that recently expired:

*  May God continue the unity of our country as the railroad unites the two great oceans of the world.  (inscribed on the Golden Spike, Promontory Point, 1869)

*  We have a great dream.  It started way back in 1776, and God grant that America will be true to her dream.  (Martin Luther King Jr.)

*  We hold these truths to be self-evident:  that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  (excerpt from the Declaration of Independence)

Father, there are many beautiful and profound quotes in the passport by many significant and famous individuals, but I wanted to make note of the ones that refer to you.  The mighty Creator and the only Creator.  I am a proud follower of Jesus Christ. 

Having this renewed passport does not make me a Free American, (because I am your servant) but it is a small reflection of the freedom that I have in you and holds a very significant meaning.  It enables You to send me to Haiti to preach the Gospel and to spread peace, love, compassion and joy.  I pray that the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart will be pleasing in your sight.  In Jesus precious name.  Amen.

Eternally yours