Tuesday, July 31, 2012

My Lord,

As you know, I did not know you in my youth.  With that being said, I did not raise my children under your covenant.  I made many, many mistakes as did they.  I never had a desire to be a teenage mother and I certainly did not want my daughter to follow in my footsteps. 

However, outside of your covenant, that's exactly what happened.  With your grace and mercy, we are both saved and our names are written in the lamb's book of life.  YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As a result of our actions, I have two beautiful gran-girls who not only love and adore me, but absolutely LOVE and ADORE you!  They study the bible and they know that you love them with ALL your heart!

When I returned from Alaska, these were the cards that they gave me for my birthday!  Happy, happy tears flowed down my cheek.  JOY unimaginable filled my heart. I made several copies and use them as book markers for my bibles.  Thank you Father for your favor in my family's life.

Eternally yours