Wednesday, July 11, 2012

My Lord,

I love you with all my heart and I especially love the after the other.  Thank you that your mercies are new each morning.

I was listening to the Pastor this morning and he said that at some point in your life, you're going to have to stop trusting "things" and start trusting "someone."  I cried deeply in my car.  I had no idea that in my soul, I truly did not trust anyone.  It wasn't until you came into my life that I began trusting.  You gave me that and you taught me that.

Trusting in you gave me the courage to start believing in others and not being so disappointed by circumstances.

With that comes freedom and deliverance.  Truly priceless!

With love and my deepest gratitude, your Princess Bride.  The one with the ginormous smile. Lol

Eternally yours