Sunday, July 1, 2012

My Lord,

Good morning and thank you for Church today.  There were Missionaries from France and a Chaplin from the Pentagon who gave very heartfelt messages.  Both spoke to my heart and the latter made me cry.  The Missionaries talked about the huge belief in Islam and the very minute' belief in Christ where they live.  It was very saddening to hear.

The Chaplin spoke on various scriptures but mainly Hebrews 5:1-3"...He is able to deal gently with those who are ignorant and are going astray, since he himself is subject to weakness.  This is why he has to offer sacrifices for his own sins, as well as the sins of the people."

My Lord, I am not a Priest according to society, but I am a representative of you and with that comes a huge responsiblity.  The task at hand is not something that I take lightly.  Yes, I am a sinner and as long as I am in this flesh, I will sin.  BUT you Father, as long as I am in this flesh and with breath, I can boldly come to you with a pure heart and seek forgivenes.  For you did not come to judge but to SAVE!

Lord, I do not want to go out into the world proclaiming your good news with skeletons and secrets.  I have searched my heart and I believe it to be pure.  I trust that my life, my words and my actions are pleasing to you and that others may see your Glorious light above me and around me.  Yes, sometimes I feel a bit tired, but not from any burdens that I carry.  My yoke is indeed light and my joy cup runneth over.  If I feel any tiredness, it's from the Thyroids and lack of energy needed to help everyone and do all the things my heart desires when it comes to caring for the seniors, my friends and family members.  Other than that, there is no stress at work and no financial burdens whatsoever.

The heaviness that weighs my heart however is for my family members and dear friends that do not know you-that have not called upon your name and do not want to turn over their lives to you.  So afraid that you may not accept them and that they may have to give up some things in their lives that they hold dear.  Not aware that what you offer is NOTHING like this world offers and in the end, the sacrifice that your Son gave for each and every life is so worth surrendering to.  I have had nothing BUT peace and joy ever since.

Lord, please help me to pray selfless prayers and not selfish prayers.  I want to be an Ambassodor for your Kingdom and I want all those lost souls to come to you before judgement day appears and they will be too late.

In your precious name, Father, I thank you that you have heard me.

Eternally yours