Tuesday, May 22, 2012

My Lord,

Thank you for yesterday.  It was indeed a peaceful day.  Work was a gentle breeze.  Afterwards, the ride home was just as nice.  Upon arriving home, I was on the sofa with a cup of coffee and listening to the waves in no time.  Complete joy.

I read my devotional and a few stanzas and then met a friend on the boardwalk.  She submitted another poem for my book and it is beautiful.  She is very talented.  Thank you for all the beautiful friendships I've created since you moved me here.  I spoke w/Melanie for about an hour while she drove home from work.  Her commute is two hours.  Ouch.

Later, I had dinner and listened to my iPhone play list.  I then moved to the sofa and again, listened to the waves collapsing against the seashore.  I watched the clouds and took photos of them as well.  I had to...they were speaking to me and reminded me of Exodus.  I know that you are there.  Once I read that story, your clouds have such a significant meaning for me.  Again, beautiful.

I wrote a poem about the kids and felt such a peace come over me.  I decided to stare at the sky as it was slowly turning into night.  I had an epiphany...I'd never watched day turn into night.  I mean to actually just stare at the sky and watch night arrive.  I decided to do that.  Cleared my mind and just waited for you to do what you do.  As the white clouds started to dim and my anticipation grew...I couldn't hang-Lol...I fell off to sleep.

Completely at peace and wrapped in contentment.  My Lord, not only do I thank you for your gift of peace, I accept it.

John 14:27 "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

My Lord, I am not troubled and I am not afraid.  Wherever I am, you are also.

Deep breath...

Eternally yours