Monday, April 30, 2012

My Lord,

I happened upon this song yesterday and cannot stop listening to it.  Tears for two days...

*Keeping My Mind...(Psalm 119:97) Fred Hammond

Such a sweet communion
As everyday I seek Your face
Knowing that Your best for me is wherever You are

You can speak life in me
And take me up on eagle's wings
And all day long I think on these things

Lord they that keep their minds stayed on You
Will be kept in perfect peace
And I know You are able to
Cause my fears to cease

Won't let a day go by
Without keeping my mind
Keeping it stayed on Jesus
Stayed on Jesus

With every new sunrise I gotta keep my mind
Meditate on Him
And keep His Spirit deep within

When the darkness covers me
When the light grows strangely dim
It is Your power that anchors me
For I keep Your words deep within

So what the day holds for me won't make me run and hide
As long as You are my guide
For they that keep their minds stayed on You
Will be kept in perfect peace

I know You are able to
Cause my fears to cease

This was your sunrise on Saturday, April 28th. Thank you!
Eteranlly yours