My Lord,
Happy beautiful Saturday. When the alarm went off this morning, I was thinking that it had to be a mistake. It was very dark out and my brain wasn't fully functioning. And then I remembered it was my yoga day. I am trying to get back to that place where my body was youthful and flexible. Not the twenty year old naive girl I once was, but a place of freedom and movement with very little effort and discomfort.
Working out used to such a big part of who I was and I have to be honest and say that I've used the thyroid issue as a crutch. It was and still is a huge deal for me, but more so in my mind than anything else. I know it may seem minor to others, but it's MY Journey and MY Story. I will choose better. Eating healthier, weight training and most importantly, pushing away the thoughts of fatigue and exhaustion. I will replace them with thoughts and feelings of love. I love me and I want what's best for me, just as you do. I am so great at taking care of others and I don't want to fall prey to not taking care of me.
For once in my life, I'm in love with me. I didn't just come to this realization, but lately, looking in the mirror, I see you inside me and I smile so wide. The smile is because you love me coupled with the fact that there is no guilt and no shame. That's one of the reasons why I love mornings. Not only are they new beginnings, but they represent another day of purity. So with this gift, I am getting ready to start my sabbath. I have already written in my gratitude journal and next I will write in my daily journal. I will read an excerpt from my current read, Gift From The Sea, by Anne Lindbergh. I'm so loving her analogies on her different stages of life. So similar to my own. I will then wrap things up with bible study.
We are still in Revelation and right now, Satan is about to feel the wrath of God in a big way. Just typing that leaves me taking a huge sigh. How blessed are we to have the blood of redemption and salvation cover us? I will not be harmed by your wrath. You and I have a date in the near future and that, my Lord, is truly what sustains me. Revelation 3:20 "Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends." And the great thing about that is that I don't have to impress you. No fuss about make-up, hair style or trying to get into that little black dress that really isn't so little anymore. I can just come as I am and you will see through all "that" and look at my heart.
Eternally yours